Thursday, April 15, 2010

Raw foods

Vegetables are on the "healthy" list of foods.  As a kid, no one liked broccoli and cauliflower but we were always told to eat up.  Now as adults, we have learned what vegetables we like and we are willing to pass over the mashed potatoes for the grilled vegetables once in a while to please that healthy side within us.

So if you really want to get the most bang for our buck, you might consider choosing raw vegetables versus cooked.  Here are just a few benefits of introducing more raw fruits and veggies into your diet:

Because uncooked fruits and vegetables are naturally "bulky" and filling, the raw food diet provides a high degree of volume and nutrition without delivering excess calories. Strict followers of the diet also abstain from potentially fattening items such as refined sugar, processed foods and fried products -- resulting in a lower calorie intake and a greater potential for shedding pounds

Increased energy is a common perk of consuming an all-raw diet. A study published in Iowa Source that reported raw food's immunity benefits also revealed a trend in energy levels: 88 percent of respondents rated their energy as "good" or "excellent" after transitioning to a raw food diet, whereas only 31 percent reported high energy on cooked cuisine. As the study describes, this rise in energy also coincides with greater cardiovascular endurance, improved flexibility and a more frequent desire to exercise on a raw versus cooked.

What are some of the benefits you have noticed from an all-raw or partially raw vegetable diet?


  1. My body's naturally less prone to crave the fatty, greasy, "bad" foods. Bread-and-fruit combos, well--that's a slightly different story.

  2. I have found when I am eating more raw foods in my diet that I feel "trimmer" within just a few days. Its a great feeling and I, too, am less drawn then to fatty, greasy stuff.

  3. One thing I have wondered ..... do most folks get that 'full' or satisfied feeling on a raw foods diet? The times I have been on a raw-foods-only diet, I seem to need to eat more frequently. But I certainly feel SOOO much better and my thinking seems to be clearer.
