Friday, May 7, 2010

Summer Basics: Access to Fresh Vegetables

Just a few things to consider as we enter mid-late spring.

Consider where you will source your fresh vegetables through the spring.  Search out a good local farmers market or local grocer where you can pick up fresh local produce.  Not only will you find some great bargains, but you will also enjoy the best and freshest your local area has to offer.

You might also consider growing a few select vegetables on your own.  The easiest to grow would be tomatoes or some peppers (green, jalapeño, etc...).  You'll need some fresh soil and really not much real estate to start a small garden patch with a few plants.  When summer arrives, you'll be glad you made the effort to plant and nourish your little guys to full health.

If you are really eager, have the time, and the space, you can always go all out and plan a full on garden.  I'm sort of in transition this year and doing my first "full garden" and doing a small variety but not really large volumes.  Now I have room to grow green beans, multiple tomato plants, onions, squash, zucchini, and cucumbers.  Should be an interesting summer with a pregnant wife due in August and a full garden right around the same time.  I'll keep you posted.

The benefits of planting your own spread can be endless.  You'll be able to indulge in fresh vegetables at your hearts desire, share with your friends and neighbors, as well as put some away to enjoy through the fall and winter months.  More to come once I attempt freezing and canning this summer.  

So, whether you plan on shopping at your local farmers market, or planting your own, be sure to get out enjoy access to plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables this summer.  Your body will thank you!

If you plan on planting a small or large area, here is a rule of thumb website that can help you in planting and harvesting at the right time.

1 comment:

  1. I'm doing my first gardening attempts also- square foot gardening. I highly recommend picking up Mel Bartholomew's book- Square Foot Gardening. I'll keep you posted! Also doing my first compost pile. Should be interesting!
