Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Chocolate Milk

Have you drank any chocolate milk lately?  My wife picked up a 1/2 gallon on sale at the grocery store today and I now remember why chocolate milk with my school tray lunch was so appealing.  It is almost like having a second desert along with the dried out apple crisp.

I remember watching a TV program this summer called "The Food Revolution with Jamie Oliver" and he covered chocolate milk in the first 1 or 2 episodes.  He simulated how much sugar school children took in in the L.A. area (where the show was being filmed) in a single week.  It was some crazy amount like 20 tons of sugar or something crazy like that.  Anyway, just a little thought for you to consider and something to keep in mind for your kids also.  Be careful what they eat and be careful what they drink.  Desert in liquid form can be very dangerous and habit forming!

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